Build a community of confident individuals who; set goals, work hard and take ownership of their results. To encourage our peers to take on difficult challenges but to guide and support them through the process. We understand that being healthy is a lifestyle and it’s not the easiest one to adopt; if it was, you would be seeing a lot more healthier people on the street.


“When I was younger and living in Rhode Island I couldn’t wait to get out. I played travel hockey and met players from all over the US. It was exciting to hear teammates names get called at the NHL draft or their parents or siblings who were in Hollywood movies or studied at prestigious colleges and about their family vacations in far away places. These people knew what the wanted, and they worked hard to get it, wherever that was. The mindset at my school and local club was much different; ‘Boston’s too far’, or ‘I’m not good enough to make that team’. There were just no real role models in my community. I needed to be around people who gave me the energy and inspiration to take on unconventional goals. I found those people and it took me away from Rhode Island, a place I didn't think I would return.

On what was supposed to be a brief stop in Rhode Island between my coaching job with the Chinese olympic team and the college/professional jobs I was interviewing for; I worked with some local high school athletes prepare for their season. I realized I was really enjoying mentoring these student-athletes and getting them excited about improving themselves in the gym, on the field and in their daily lives. I also realized that if I moved away from Rhode Island, I wouldn’t be helping solve the problem of not enough role models. Similar to how I get my athletes and clients to set fitness/sport goals, I set some lifestyle goals for myself. My hope is that the members of our community take advantage of our service, discover what they want for themselves and to pursue it wholeheartedly while supporting those around them.”


DO NO HARM Don’t take unnecessary risks in the gym that could lead to an injury while executing an exercise. Rely on our assessments to gauge which exercises are appropriate and which ones are likely to lead to injury.

REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY Stronger, more mobile and better conditioned athletes are able to tolerate stress and strain more readily than those that aren’t. We cannot eliminate injury from sport but we can definitely mitigate some of the risks.

IMPROVE SPORTS PERFORMANCE Working on sprints will get you to the ball or finish line faster than your opponents, being better conditioned will be the defining factor in a game/race when everyone else can’t keep up. These traits take time and consistency to cultivate.

EDUCATE There is unlimited information on the internet and training does not always provide immediate feedback. We value objective measurements and consistent tracking to determine the efficacy of our training program but also to educate our clients what is happening and how behavior drives results.



Damian Pinheiro

Hello, my name is Damian Michael Pinheiro (DMP) and I’m a Performance Coach and Massage Therapist in my home state, Rhode Island.

Prior to returning home, I was the Head Performance Coach of the Chinese Olympic and World Championship athletes at the Guangzhou Sports University. In China I was responsible for managing the university’s performance department as well as training the Men’s & Women’s gymnastics, swimming, track & field and weightlifting teams. 

Before China, I was working under my mentor and world-renowned Strength Coach, Mike Boyle. Working with Mike has been the single most pivotal experience in my career. During my time working under Mike, I had the opportunity to work with Olympic, professional and amateur athletes. I also had the opportunity to learn from and network with industry leaders such as Dan John, Gray Cook, Sue Falsone and many more. 

As a graduate of the University of Concordia’s (Montréal, Québéc) Exercise Science & Biology program, I studied the form and function of the body as well as nutrition and behavioral psychology. During my studies, I interned under Liz Marie Breton-Lebreux as an Assistant Strength Coach for the Concordia Stingers Varsity athletics program. I worked extensively with the Stingers football, hockey and soccer teams.

Prior to obtaining my university degree I played ice hockey throughout the American Northeast and Canada with the South Shore Kings and LaSalle Academy Rams. My parents always encouraged me to play different sports which led me to acquire different physical skills and build strong bonds with my peers. As a lifelong athlete my physical pursuits have always been a large part of my identity. I firmly believe that building an able body helps us wake up every morning with enthusiasm and gives us the confidence to say ‘yes’ to the things we desire in life. 

Experiences & Continuing Education


  • Head Performance Coach (Chinese National Sports Teams)

  • Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning

  • Certified Functional Strength Coach Instructor

  • Assistant Strength Coach (Concordia University)

  • New York Islanders (NHL) Internship

  • GrassFit Outdoor Training Co-Founder

  • BSc. Exercise Science / Biology

    1. Concordia University (Montreal)


  • Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC)

  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

  • Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

  • Functional Range Conditioning (FRC)


  • Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)

    1. The Massage School (Boston)

  • Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)

  • Functional Range Release (FR)

  • Postural Restoration Institute (PRI)


  • Precision Nutrition (PN)

What sport(s) do you play? Hockey, lacrosse & Brazilian jiujitsu

What’s your favorite exercise? Hang Clean

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla soft-serve w/ chocolate jimmies

Which book(s) are you currently reading? Guns of August (Barbara Tuchman)

What’s your hidden talent? I like to play guitar, cook and study Chinese

What’s your plan for this year? Earn my blue belt in jiu jitsu.

Doug Jensen

My name is Doug Jensen and I am a coach here at DMPFIT.

Before my time at DMP I was studying to get my bachelors in Kinesiology with a focus in applied exercise science. During this time I took many courses ranging from Anatomy and Physiology to Advanced Programing for Strength and Conditioning.

Prior to college I was a two sport athlete in high school. This is where my passion for fitness and athletic development began. As I fell in love with my sports (track and field, football), I also found my desire to pursue a career in fitness.

I have been with DMP for about a year now and have found a passion for coaching whether that be with our athletes or adult groups. With both I have enjoyed seeing the progress made from a number of our clients and I look forward to what the future holds going forward!

Experiences & Continuing Education

  • BSc. Kinesiology (Applied Exercise Science)

What is on your bucket list? Complete a Spartan 24-hour Hurricane Heat race

If you did not work in this industry, what field would you pursue? I would most likely pursue a career in the military. I’ve grown up around a lot of friends and family that have served so that made it a viable option coming out of high school/college

What is your dream vacation destination? I would choose Switzerland because it looks like a very beautiful country and I’d love to travel outside of the United States for a trip and experience a place like that


Alaka Catallozzi

Hi, my name is Alaka and I am fairly new to the fitness world. My journey started a little differently than most trainers. After receiving a degree in marketing I worked in the healthcare industry for twenty years. Seeing people my age with a host of health issues that could have been prevented with proper diet and exercise scared me into making some lifestyle changes.

I started training in 2020 with a goal of losing weight. Fast forward a few years and the weight is off (almost 50lbs), I have more muscle and less body fat than I had in high school and I feel better than I ever have!

What started as a personal journey has now turned into a desire to help others achieve the same results. Having overcome the challenges that come with starting and continuing a regular exercise routine put me in a great position to help clients overcome their personal obstacles. 

Unfortunately, today's world doesn't require much movement. Many people spend their days working in front of the computer. Nights are spent watching television, and catching up on social media. We no longer have to be active to get things done. But this lack of movement, along with the standard American  diet, comes with a price and that is what I saw when I worked in healthcare. It’s not the future I want for myself and it's not the future I want for our clients.

I plan to continue learning about the role that exercise, nutrition and lifestyle can play in healthy aging so that I can help those we work with live, not just longer, but also, healthier lives. I hope you’ll join us!

Experiences & Continuing Education



  • Precision Nutrition (PN)

  • Certified Functional Strength Coach Level-1 (CFSC)

  • Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

If you could make one rule for everyone in the world to follow, what would it be? Before you say anything, answer these three questions: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? 

What is on your bucket list? White water rafting, fly in a hot air balloon, camel ride through the desert in Dubai, stay in a treehouse in the rainforest and go dog sledding in Alaska

How do you like to spend your free time? Depends on my mood. Sometimes reading a book under a blanket with a cup of tea is the perfect day. On other days I look forward to having new experiences and adventures - food, places, shows, activities, etc…

If you had to live in a different city/state/country, where would you want to live? Ireland. It’s the perfect combination of two things I love - the ocean and farmland. Add in the breathtaking scenery, fresh, wholesome food, proximity to Europe, simple, less hectic way of living and the friendly, easy going nature of the Irish and it’s, without a doubt, the place I’d want to live!

“No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
